“You ever wonder why the word love is always misused and misunderstood? Well I guess everyone has their own interpretation of it and because they do they miss out on the true meaning of the word love… Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way ; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth (I Corinthians 13:4-6) People often think that it’s an emotion but it’s not, it’s a choice.”
Frank Santiago
“Love God, love yourself, then love others,” senior Finance major Alaias Simone Bertrand stated. Hearing these words from this driven, intelligent and caring Michigan State University Track & Field thrower came as no surprise to me; she is the face of love.
According to Bertrand, the act of love entails having awareness, empathy, respect, selflessness, and authenticity. “It’s taking the time to understand someone,” she said, “Taking a step back to hear another person’s opinion.” She revealed the depth her love is rooted in her faith in Jesus Christ.
During her time in college, Bertrand’s faith grew exponentially due to her involvement within MSU’s chapter of Athletes in Action (AIA), a Christian organization for college athletes. Last year, Bertrand and her fellow teammates attended Ultimate Training Camp (UTC), a ten-day intensive workout camp sponsored by AIA. She had the time of her life, met new friends and made countless memories that changed her life.
“My body was at the most breaking point I could ever imagine,” she remembered. This was in response to a grueling 48-hour workout she endured, muscle fatigue and lack of sleep. It was then Bertrand recognized just how broken she was without Christ and how deep his love is for humanity.
“Why would I not want to spread that to everyone I know?” she asked.
Bertrand’s word resonates deeply with events currently taking place in our nation. In response to George Floyd’s death on May 25, 2020, societal outrage and protests have erupted around the world, bringing issues involving injustice, prejudice, racism and other forms of hate to the forefront of our society. These protests and other forms of mass demonstrations have magnified and signaled the need for change in not only America, but the hearts of its people.
Although she knows our road to recovery and equality will take time and much effort, she offers a place to start “The best way to fix that [the hurt, pain and anger due to oppression] is love and understanding,” she said.
Love someone. Everyone. No matter their race, ability, sexual orientation, religion, socio economic status, etc. because having love for someone does not always require romance. It is about having a true respect for someone’s humanity, brokenness, and struggle, regardless of whether it mirrors that of your own.
“When you choose to love someone, that is so much more powerful than choosing to hate them,” Bertrand concluded.
Because at the end of the day, we can all use a bit more of her word in our hearts.
She is the face of LOVE.